A giraffe named Kipekee, which means unique in Swahili, is a baby giraffe who was born with no spots! This happened at Brights Zoo, in Tennessee on July, 31 2023. This rare giraffe is the first one born like this.
Kipekee is a reticulated giraffe, which is one of nine types of giraffes. They are native to the Somali peninsula in Africa. The last known spotless giraffe was found in Tokyo in 1972. This happens due to a genetic mutation, scientists say. The zoo officials say she might be the only solid color giraffe alive today. In the world there are similar animals like the all white penguin, pink eagle, and all white squirrel.
A giraffe’s spots act as camouflage in the wild and also deflect heat, so scientists aren’t sure yet how Kipekee will be affected. So far, Kipekee looks healthy and happy, though.